Saturday, March 9, 2013

Seeds, tomato blossoms and bees.

As one assignment, i wrote and told about collecting seeds, and i just went through my picture files and found some photos i had taken last October, when we collected and washed seeds like rosa rugosa and chokeberry, so i thought i'd share some of them here.

We made quite a mess.
We washed the seeds and poured out the pulp with the water several times, so that all we had left was the seeds.

The chokeberry seeds sink to the bottom. There's still some pulp left.

But, the seeds of the rosa rugosa float on the water.


Oh, and on Wednesday we went to look at the tomatoes we had planted the week before. 
They had grown quite a bit, but they were planted a tad too early, they should have had one flower already open when they were planted, because now that they got some new soil, the plants might get exited and start growing like crazy and forget to make flowers. So, the gardeners try to slow down the growing with keeping the soil dry. It's always risky to do such a thing, but slowly the flowers start blossoming.

I found about five blossoms that are nearly open...

...and only one fully open.
There was the bumblebee-box/house there and one guy was already flying around, looking for blossoms to pollinate. There's one queen and about 50 to 60 workers per box, and one box costs about 75 euros. 

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